Sunday, December 19, 2010

Word Image

The more you communicate, the more communication you want to have.  As words and phrases cool and harden, you are fast at work to find new and more vibrant portrayals of that eternal fire that burns at the center of All That Is.  Your writings are like matches that are lit for but a moment and then die out.  Even though that "moment" may last for a thousand years, such a time span is really nothing in the light of eternity.  Therefore, you keep lighting more matches!

The Void longs to express itself.  Then, once it is solidified, it cannot wait for the chance to become free once again.  Isn't that a mystery?  And yet, it truly is the mystery of life.
In the higher vibrational dimensions, words and thoughts are replaced by clear, unbroken Tones.  If one picture is worth a thousand words, one Tone is worth a million pictures.  Truly words and thoughts are simply Tones, living in separation.  So are you.

Those who can hear these Tones, high above all other sounds, will never be deceived.  Words can be misleading, ideas can be obscured, but in UNBROKEN TONES there is no place to hide.

You who read our transmissions, and who recognize this message, surely realize (on some level) the essence of who and what you really are.  And even though a portion of you remains trapped inside some fleshy container, your soul essence soars---high above the houses and the communes here below. It calls to you.........sings to you......making songs and rhythms to sustain you while you travel the winding road of physical existence.

You walk a thin line between God as Healer and God as Destroyer.  When the love is gone, you'll be gone.  You've come at this time to remember and to learn.  The words and ideas which once took a lifetime to explore are being compacted and abbreviated into a span that may last but a few hours.

You dance and play and balance yourself between these worlds, drawing breath and life force from each, but being totally contained by none.  The more extended your consciousness gets into the outer realms, the more adamant your physical form will be to hold you here and anchor your energy upon the earth.  This is your blessing and also your curse.  You struggle to be free, even as you cling to that which is familiar to you.

And now you have created technology to fly for you.  Even as you, yourself, remain stationary upon the earth, you send your words flying across the skies to distant lands and unknown places.  You wait in pure anticipation for their return, bearing gifts of mixing and blending with another being whose thoughts and desires are similar to your own.  And the pulse goes on.......and the words continue.........and the heat of the match which is you burns for yet a little while longer.

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