Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Emages photography

Birds in Flight, an exhibition of over 30 striking photographs featuring dramatic images of birds in flight, opened Saturday, June 21, 2008, at the American Museum of Natural History. On view in the Akeley Gallery on the second floor through July 1, 2010, the exhibition brings together the work of renowned wildlife photographers whose artistry showcases the majesty of birds in flight: the controlled chaos, the acrobatic wizardry, the mysterious aerodynamics.
Over the course of six years, these four photographers—Richard Ettlinger, David G. Hemmings, Miguel Lasa, and Jim Neiger—patiently spent countless hours waiting to capture just the right moment. These images, many taken in the New York area, represent fleeting moments revealing behavior that even scientists do not usually see.
These startlingly close-up photographs of birds in flight offer a visual comparison and contrast; each species exhibits unique behaviors, yet there is a commonality in their movements. Among the highlights are images of a female barn swallow feeding her young in midair, a cormorant flying away with a newly caught fish, a pink roseate spoonbill gliding through the air, an Atlantic puffin coming in for a landing, an Arctic tern hunting by delicately dipping its beak just below the surface of the ocean, and an image of a herring gull flying above an eagle—possibly trying to steal a meal.
The exhibition curator for On Feathered Wings: Birds in Flight is Joel Cracraft, Curator-in-Charge and Lamont Curator, Department of Ornithology, Division of Vertebrate Zoology. The photographs in this exhibition were taken from the book On Feathered Wings: Birds in Flight (Harry Abrams), which is available in the Museum Shop for $40.00.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

House Image

Image of house

Romantic Wallpapers

                                                                Romantic Love image.

I love you poems

My heart longs for you
my soul dies for you
my eyes cry for you
my empty arm reach out for you
but when i strech you are gone
If you love something let it go
if it comes back
it is yours
if it doesnt
it never was yours
You cannot make someone love you
All you can do is be someone who can be loved
The rest is up to them
The first time you feel love
It changes your life for ever
and no matter how hard you try
The feeling never goes away
When i see you smile
and know that is not for me
that is when i will
miss you the most

Love poems are divided in 3 sections which are
1) Poems to express love to your crush - In this you will find poems that will help you say the 3 difficult words to your crush  (I love you)
2) I love you poems (present) -In this you will find poems that will make your present loving partner happy
3) Sad love poems (for broken love) - In this section there are sad poems that will try to make your broken love come back to you like i miss you, you left me but i will be right here waiting for you etc

Hope you got the idea of the sections choose your catagory and enjoy the poems and please leave us your comments of this group in the comment section on how to improve the website

Love is a thing which even money can't take, some people thing love is the worst saddness a person could get but it is not so.... Love is one the happiest things in life, but you should love the right person who takes love seriously if you find the right person to love you will then experience the real feeling of love not the feeling that hurts but the feeling which makes a sad person happy.... This message is for the lovers who had lost their love and are sad inside the heart.. the message for you is to try loving another person and when you try again you might find the right person to... rather than crying for he person who left you.......

Word Image

The more you communicate, the more communication you want to have.  As words and phrases cool and harden, you are fast at work to find new and more vibrant portrayals of that eternal fire that burns at the center of All That Is.  Your writings are like matches that are lit for but a moment and then die out.  Even though that "moment" may last for a thousand years, such a time span is really nothing in the light of eternity.  Therefore, you keep lighting more matches!

The Void longs to express itself.  Then, once it is solidified, it cannot wait for the chance to become free once again.  Isn't that a mystery?  And yet, it truly is the mystery of life.
In the higher vibrational dimensions, words and thoughts are replaced by clear, unbroken Tones.  If one picture is worth a thousand words, one Tone is worth a million pictures.  Truly words and thoughts are simply Tones, living in separation.  So are you.

Those who can hear these Tones, high above all other sounds, will never be deceived.  Words can be misleading, ideas can be obscured, but in UNBROKEN TONES there is no place to hide.

You who read our transmissions, and who recognize this message, surely realize (on some level) the essence of who and what you really are.  And even though a portion of you remains trapped inside some fleshy container, your soul essence soars---high above the houses and the communes here below. It calls to you.........sings to you......making songs and rhythms to sustain you while you travel the winding road of physical existence.

You walk a thin line between God as Healer and God as Destroyer.  When the love is gone, you'll be gone.  You've come at this time to remember and to learn.  The words and ideas which once took a lifetime to explore are being compacted and abbreviated into a span that may last but a few hours.

You dance and play and balance yourself between these worlds, drawing breath and life force from each, but being totally contained by none.  The more extended your consciousness gets into the outer realms, the more adamant your physical form will be to hold you here and anchor your energy upon the earth.  This is your blessing and also your curse.  You struggle to be free, even as you cling to that which is familiar to you.

And now you have created technology to fly for you.  Even as you, yourself, remain stationary upon the earth, you send your words flying across the skies to distant lands and unknown places.  You wait in pure anticipation for their return, bearing gifts of mixing and blending with another being whose thoughts and desires are similar to your own.  And the pulse goes on.......and the words continue.........and the heat of the match which is you burns for yet a little while longer.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Image of Love

"When i meet you my heart skipped a beat the sun became a moon..."

  • LoveBestCalculator.org/Love
    Find Out Love Compatibility Between You & Your Lover. Calculate Now!
  • Thursday, December 16, 2010


    Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures. Nature photography tends to put a stronger emphasis on the aesthetic value of the photo than other photography genres, such as photo journalism and documentary photography. More and more people spend most of their day inside in front of a computer at work and a TV at night and forget that nature still can be one of the most beautiful experiences we can have. We can do nearly anything in front of a screen today and yes we can also get a touch of nature… but honestly I would rather go there for real to see it, smell it and touch it!
    In this article i present to you a collection of nature photography shots that will surely take your breath away and inspire you to get outside.


    "If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in His name, He'd never stop throwing up." — Frederick in Hannah and Her Sisters (1986).
    "Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine." —
    Patti Smith.
    "The passion of the christ ? If I wanted to see a bad actor get nailed, I'd watch the Paris Hilton video." — Indago.
    "Why is it, when a patient lives the family thanks Jesus, but when the patient dies, the family sues the doctors ?"
    "Unique among the nations, America recognized the source of our character as being godly and eternal, not being civic and temporal. And because we have understood that our source is eternal, America has been different. We have no king but Jesus." —
    John Ashcroft, speech at Bob Jones university.
    "Jesus Christ: Imaginary Playmate to Millions of Adults !"
    "If what Jesus said was good, what can it matter whether he was God or not ?" — Clemens Vonnegut.
    "Isn't it amazing Jesus just happens to want EXACTLY what you want ?" — Bumper sticker.
    "Probably get his dumb ass nailed to a cross..." — Standard response to WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) paraphernalia.
    "A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back, he's really going to want to see a fucking cross ? Ow! Maybe that's why he hasn't shown up yet... it's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a sniper rifle pendant..." — Bill Hicks.
    "If Jesus returns, kill him again." — undojesus.org.
    "You don't need freedom of speech if you let Jesus think for you." — An
    "I am taking a piece of KRAFT cheese to church with me in the hopes that I can get an extra piece of jesus and make a sandwich." — Manghuntr9.

    "For the first time in history, two zombie movies are at the movie theaters at the same time: Dawn of the dead and Passion of the christ."
    "The people who think a guy walked on water versus the people who think a horse can fly." — Scott Adams about the clash of Christianity and Islam.
    "What good is having someone who can walk on water if you can't follow in his footsteps ?"
    "Get off the cross, we need the wood." — Tori Amos.
    "My bible thumping cousin once claimed that Jesus must have risen from the dead since thousands of people saw him after the resurrection. I simply pointed out that if that was the case then Elvis should be deified because thousands of people have seen him in McDonalds since 1977." — Rand Race.
    "I used to get really pissed off that my life was so dictated by when this Jesus guy was born and when he was dying every year. I felt really resentful that I couldn't get on with my own life because I was so busy with his." — Tori Amos.
    "Rose from the dead ? Nah, his buddies moved the body, how hard is it really, the Sopranos did it all the time."
    "There's some invisible guy, up in the sky, who can kill you, because he loves you." — George Carlin.
    "10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.
    9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.
    8. Beer has never caused a major war.
    7. They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.
    6. When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.
    5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer.
    4. You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second Beer.
    3. There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.
    2. You can prove you have a Beer.
    1. If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.
    "A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory." — Top Ten Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Jesus.
    "1. He called everyone 'brother'
    2. He liked Gospel
    3. He couldn't get a fair trial." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black.
    "1. He went into His Fathers business.
    2. He lived at home until he was 33.
    3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his mother was sure he was God." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Jewish.
    "1. He talked with his hands.
    2. He had wine with every meal.
    3. He used olive oil." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Italian.
    "1. He never cut his hair.
    2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
    3. He started a new religion." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was a Californian.
    "1. He never got married.
    2. He was always telling stories
    3. He loved green pastures." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Irish.
    "1. He had to feed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
    2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
    3. Even when he was dead, He had to get up because there was more work for Him to do." — 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman.
Can you see Jesus ?
    "I'd be the worst Jesus ever, i'd be constantly drunk if i could turn water into wine."
    "Water into Wine' and 'Loaves and Fishes' were pretty good, but 'Oregano into Primo Mexican Weed' was truly impressive."    — Top miracle not mentioned in the Bible.
    "I was pretty impressed that Jesus fed the masses from only five loaves and two fishes until I went to Communion and saw what He considers a serving size."    — Marsha Clodfelter.
    "Based on the number of 'tards who 'find' him, I suspect Jesus really sucks at hide'n'seek."    — Marc Wolfe.
    "Jesus may love you but he won't respect you in the morning."
    "Crucifixes are sexy because there's a naked man on them."    — Madonna.
    "Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them ?"    — Buy at Amazon.comJules Feiffer.
    "Jesus never heard of Beethoven and Bach. Why aren't we playing more country music in church ?"    — Tex Sample, St. Paul School of Theology (Kansas City).
    In big print: "Jesus Loves You"
    In fine print: "Everybody else thinks you're an asshole"    — Bumper sticker.
    "I don't care WHO you are, you're not walking on the water while I'm fishing."
    For a good (and also a quite insightful) laugh, read Socrates meets Jesus, written in the style and logic of both those famous guys.